Sunday, April 09, 2006

Here comes the bag.

It has been rough. A bad back, a bad sewing machine, not enough ties. This bag is taking some effort. Plus ties are great but you have to sew each of them together to create a piece of material.

The back is a little better, I did not spend all of today in bed like I did for most of Friday and Saturday.

The sewing machine is a little more on track. I never should have tried to adjust the bobbin tension. But I think I have it working okay. Always try the simplest thing first too, I think I did not have the machine threaded correctly. Now it is going much more smoothly!!

I am still short one tie, I think I am going to take one of my dad's funky seventies knit tan ties. I just need a little bit for the back edge of the bag. I changed things up a little. The pattern just had you use the bottoms of 10 ties, 5 for each the front and back. Well, it was hard getting so many ties and I thought instead of wasting the top 2/3 of the tie, I could cut each of the tops of the front five ties in half and use these 10 pieces for the back. Then the front and back would match and they would very obviously look different, more like a front and a back. Plus I could save money on ties (they go for between $1 and $4 each at thrift stores, I really expected them to be cheaper) and I would not need the 14 ties the pattern calls for, just 9. Well I need a tenth because the back is requiring a little extra. So it has been tie crazy and I have been to most of the thrift stores in town. Here are some pictures, both showing my new pair of scissors. Wow - they cut so goood!!

1 comment:

RheLynn said...

Sorry to hear your back is hurting :o(

You're a lot farther along on your bag than I am on mine! A kimono and a skirt got in the way of me even starting on the bag ;o)

I hope you feel better soon!