Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I've been gone, but a lot has happened.

First of all, I must apologize for being absent for awhile. Unfortunately my grandfather passed away two fridays ago. It was a whilrwind of a week, my sister and neice came in from Alaska for the funeral. Plus my cousins, their spouses, and kids, and my Uncle were also here. It is really unfortunate what a bitter sweet event funerals can be.

Now I am not feeling well. A little summer cold or alergies, I don't know, I just geel bad.

Anyways, enough complaining. This will be a post short on words and long on pictures.

I received my tea swap goodies. In fact I am sipping on my first cup of the tea right now. A Swedish blend that my pal describes as a rhubarb and cream tea. MMMMmmmmm, quite tasty. She also sent me some ecological, handpainted, Swedish yarn form Gotland (sp?). It is so pretty! I don't know what I am going to do with it. I will have to ponder it for awhile. She also made me some cookies, that Kyle and I dug into right away. These delicious cinnamon and cardamom Swedish spice cookies. I was so lucky to get someone who could spoil me with all these goodies I would never be exposed to otherwise!! Thank you so much to Ketutar!!

I have been working on the cabled coat, but not too much. However I have been sewing crazy. I made a bag for a friend for her birthday. And then with the leftover fabric made this little hand bag. I made up a new pattern for it. It is kind of a promo, each one gets better as I get more comfortable with my patterns. So no pic of the bag I gave away.

Then she asked me to make one for her to give to a friend. No pic of that one either. It was in a pastel stripe pattern with an egg shell blue lining. When we went to buy the fabric for that bag, it all was on sale, so I bought more to make another one. For no real reason. I have SO MANY!! But here is the picture of that blue bubble bag. Not entirely done, I still need to close the hole on the inside for turning it and do the top stitching.

Next I made a drawstring shirt. The pattern said 1/2 hour for completion. But since I kind of looked at the internet pattern (found here) and made my own off of it and I must not be that fast of a sewer, it took me just over an hour. But here I am wearing it. I have not actually worn it out yet, I just don't know about the semi-shapless sinched waste. But I'm sure I will soon!

I am also working on a smock like the one pinkrocket made found here!!

So as usual, I am much more winded then I thought I would be. Once I get going, I just keep going.


Tara said...

The skirt looks cute. You probably made it too big. It's about time you posted the tea stuff. That's who I thought your tea swap pal was! I need to think of a way to be able to work less. I also really want to buy a new computer. Ugh. Work interferes with everything except having the money to do things. What a catch 22!!

Ketutar said...

I'm happy you liked it :-)
Gotland is spelled perfectly LOL
I like the skirt and the bags too :-)

Hugs :-)

RheLynn said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :o(

Beautiful projects you have posted here.

Ketutar said...

Hi, Rhiannon :-)

I hope you are feeling better now.

Here's one thing I found that might do as a project with the cotton yarn...

Here's a scarf made with the pattern, and I think it's interesting