Saturday, June 24, 2006

Knitting will probably need to stop :(

It is hot. I mean HOT. The high today is 110 degrees, maybe higher. Ummm, I don't think I can handle it. Kyle's band is playing this show this evening that I was planning on going to, but seeing as it will be outside, I just don't know.

I am also of the opinion that now is not the time for a huge wool blanket on my lap, so the knitting will have to break! I am kind of sad because now I really am planning to buy tickets to Alaska (probably mid July) and would be able to wear the sweater up there. If I don't finish it before we (Kyle and I) go, I can finish while up there.

So I don't really have much else to say. And no crafty pictures, So I will post some from our camping trip a couple of weeks ago. I accidently forgot the tent polls, so Kyle and I had to sleep in the car. It was not that comfy, but worked. And the other picture is my dad and Kyle making dinner. Kyle's step-brother-in-law is in the background.


RheLynn said...

eep - tough with the hot weather!! The car looks comfy to me, but then, we sleep on the floor Japanese-style at our house :o) Best of luck finding some cool places to steal a few rows in!

Tara said...

It's sure cool here. Too bad you canceled your trip to Alaska to go to ARIZONA in JULY! Are you crazy? Plus, we're going to have that fun would that have been?

Theresa said...

It's even hot in San Diego - ugh - you must be melting!