Wednesday, July 19, 2006

More of the pics

Here is some of the fun stuff I have been doing with my new camera. I have always loved the long exposure shots. I looked at lots of cameras before I bought the one I got. I really wanted a bulb setting (which means you can have the lens open as long as you want) but those cameras were about $800 at least. So I went with a less expensive camera with up to a 15 second exposure. And this is what I got...

It took A LOT of shots. My goal was the headlights to run the whole length of the road, but the cars just weren't going quite fast enough. But in this picture, you can't tell that there is more road towards the top of the hill. I am pleased.

Okay on to some scenic pictures:

Here I am at the top of a small rock that we hiked up to during sunset. We had a larger hill in the way of the setting sun, but there were some fabulous views and it was nice with a warm breeze. It may be very hot here during the day, but the evenings really cool off with thunder storms and nice wind. It is really enjoyable!

Here we are during our Hummer trip. There are also a lot of pictures from this time. I was busy with the camera. The red rock mountains are really nice. I get a little tired of too many scenic pictures, so I won't post many of them. I like to try to get people in them, because they all start to look a little the same.

This picture is from Arcosanti. We went there yesterday. This took a lot of the day because it took about an hour to drive there and then the tour at 3 that we were just in time for was cancelled. So we waited around for an extra hour for the last tour at 4pm. And this started late the what should have been an hour was nearly two. It was great though. Kyle was really excited by it. I will talk more about the details later, but I need to wrap things up because we have to get busy doing stuff today.

I got to relax a little this morning because Kyle went fishing. I am still in my pj's in bed. NICE! That is what I like to do on vacation!! So I got out my knitting and tore out the bind off on fetching and reworked it. I did it wrong which is wear the unhappiness was coming from. So here is one complete (except for those stupid ends).

Sorry it is not the best picture, I was not feeling it!! Better to come later. I have to go now because Kyle is back and pressuring me to get moving!!



Tara said...

How can you not just immediately weave in your ends??? I don't understand. Imagine how much more finished that glove would have looked if you'd just weaved the ends in! Whatever will I do with you Rhiannon??? Your trip looks so fun. I wanted to see a picture of you guys in the Hummer. Heh heh heh. What great pictures! Get that camera warmed up for my wedding!! Jeremy will be officiating the ceremony, so you will be the photographer. Good times!!

RheLynn said...

Great long exposure picture!