Monday, July 10, 2006

I should have more time.

It seems like since I am out of school and I used to find the time to post while in school, that I should have plenty of time now. However, I find myself ALWAYS busy. I am working a second job (I can't remember mentioning it before) but am still not full time between the two jobs. I am actually entertaining the thought of a third, but maybe that is a bit too much. It would only be an additional one five hour shift per week and I could work less at the karate school to compensate. BUT then school will be back in and I will feel like I have too much going on!!

So we are off to Sedona on Friday. I can't believe how fast this came upon us. We will be gone from this Friday for the next full week and then return late Monday. Back to work on Tues. Then Tara dropped a little last minute wedding on all of us and I am off to Alaska on the Saturday at the end of that week. So I work four days this week, off for 10 days, then work another four days before jaunting off to Alaska for nine days. Then back for about two weeks and then school starts (maybe three). WOW - BUSY!!

We are all excited about Tara's wedding. She could have given us more notice, but she is kind of a last minute, when the mood hits her kind of lady. Hopefully she won't be offended by anything I just said. (Sorry Tara!) It will be a good time. My parents are only going for about four days, but my brother and I are staying for the full week plus the weekends. Poor Kyle can't go... he could not take so much time off from work so close together. I however will be working while in Alaska. There is a lot of stuff I can do for the karate school from my new laptop. Now it is already being put to good use!! Since so far... mostly just used for games. I mean, of course once school is in, I will really be able to get a lot done on it.

So Kyle and I have been VERY busy planning the trip, figuring out what we want to see and cleaning the house in preparation of being gone. My parents are going to come and check in on the cat. I can't wait.

Not a lot of knitting going on. It has been SOOOOO hot. 107 yesterday. Alaska will be NICE! I did buy some hemp twine to make a couple of market bags while we were in Sacramento two weekends ago. I bought some thick stuff thinking I could make a basket type bag. I need to get some bigger needles, I am struggling with the bulky, stiffness of it. But I also bought some very lightweight stuff. These will be good summer projects!

And I checked out the new Knitty and found one pattern I am really interested in... Fetching. And lucky for me, I have a little bit of X-Mas gift certificate left over AND my lys is having an anniversary sale. I may head down and see about a few balls of this debbie bliss cashmerino. I know the pattern only requires one, but I was thinking about extending the arm length. We'll see!!

Alright, I must go, we are taking the van in for a big tuneup before we cross the desert. It's AC is not working very well, and I don't think I can take the traveling heat!!


Tara said...

WHAT? I love those fingerless gloves. I LOVE FINGERLESS GLOVES. Why? I still haven't knitted a pair, but I've bought yarn for a few. What is my attraction to them? I'm totally knitting those. They're perfect! And I already have a ball of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino, purchased for a different fingerless glove pattern. How funny.

And how can I be insulted about you calling me last minute after all the drama of last week? I know I'm last minute, but I don't care! This will be the perfect wedding for us. And now you have to come to Alaska to visit me...hahahahaha!! My plan is working :)

RheLynn said...

Congratulations Tara! What wonderful news for all of you! :)