Monday, September 04, 2006

It's a Knit Owl!

I just finished the knit owl for KnitOwl!! I put a seed stitch border around the whole thing and there is seed stitch in the belly of the owl. I used Brown Sheep bulky for the dark blue and Lopi bulky for the light blue. Two of my favorite yarns. Good Stuff!! So I guess this could be felted as well. While making it I was thinking it would be nice backed with a blue bandana - it could be a pot holder or stuffed to make a pillow.

As usual, I have not yet woven in my ends. Always post the pictures before the ugly work is done. I like the way it turned out. At the beginning Kyle said it looked like a rocket ship. He had to explain it to me, but the owl really stands out in the finished project.I am so excited, I got the wireless internet set up in the middle of last week. LOVE IT!!


RheLynn said...

OMG Wow! You did such a good job Rhiannon - I can't believe how well it turned out! Thank you!

You deserve a lot more than just more patterns for that effort ;o) Especially with starting school! Hmm.. let me think ;o)

Chris said...

It turned out great!

Anonymous said...

It looks really cute, Rhiannon! It's so very definitely an owl. A rocket ship. Boys. (although I suppose upside down and not done, it might...)