Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Still no time.

This semester is leaving me feeling with very little time and too much to do. So another quick post with only a few words and mostly pictures.

Here are my socks getting some action. I wore them to a bridal shower party on SAt night. (I did not have my pants rolled up, but I did take my shoes off right away!)

Here is the tutu (sort of) I made for Teagan. I know, if I had no time I would not be making stuff. But this was really, really quick. It is basically a tube with a ribbon. The fabric has a crinkle going on and makes it all poofy and cute. I also bought her a pair of leg warmers in the dollar bins at Target. I will be sending these goodies off to her soon. I am very sad because it may be a very long time before I get to go for another visit. I have no money and even less time. :(


Tara said...

I posted a comment, but the websites funking up. Anyway, I love the socks on with shoes. I was lukewarm about them in the other pictures, but they look so good with shoes on!! My sweater has stalled since I still have one more row to unknit. Plus all those other things that get in the way of knitting: work, grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc.

The tutu is cute and Teagan will love it. Maybe you could find some of those thick cotton tights that match it before you send it so I don't have to convince her that it's appropriate to wear tights with a leotard. Especially when leaving the house. I swear, that girl is stubborn as a goat! If not, I'll just have to get some before I give it to her, the idea being that it is an entire ensemble she MUST wear together.

Okay, this had better post or I'll be pissed!

RheLynn said...

Nice modelling of the socks! You should enter it in the model your socks yarn contest if it is still running!

Deadline midnight October 8th!