Thursday, March 30, 2006

I fear what the rest of tonight will bring!! I always agonize over what to eat. Tonight was no exception, I looked at the food in the kitchen and was stumped as usual. Plus we are REALLY low on food. Time for the grocery store.

Then it came to me, we have one egg left and Kyle picked up some vegetarian sausage today. I know... I'll have breakfast for dinner. I got out the skillet, the egg, put the sausage in the microwave AND dropped the egg. Splat!! There went dinner.

Now what?? Now the agonizing began all over again. What to make, what to eat. Kyle and I are on a NO EATING OUT plan. At least we are trying! I eat out for dinner on wed. because I am at school all day and it makes no sense to come home for an hour. I would spend more time driving.

Now we are REALLY REALLY low on food. We have a lot of condiments, but not much food! So I came up with something... peanut butter and honey on a tortilla. The last tortilla (it was a little funky, I picked that part off). So I hope it is enough to get me through the night. I have a test, I need my brain power. So now I am afraid I am off tonight and this will affect my test power.

So I need luck, all the luck I can get. My studying powers aren't enough to get me through when I am on my top game. Now, I am going to suffer!


RheLynn said...

Good luck! Peanut butter and honey doesn't sound bad, (except the funk on the tortilla part.. *grimace*).

J and I do a 'No we won't go more than once a week to the grocery store' pact - which is always on Mondays, which makes Sunday 'interesting' sometimes, like this!

Do you keep rice and pasta around? It is really cheap and can bring you through one of those days pretty well.

Confession: I once squeezed some leftover Taco Bell packets (hot) into a little rice, and that was dinner ;o) Actually wasn't that bad either!

RheLynn said...

oh, and btw -- Good for you on the 'No Eating out pact' ***applause*** More people should try it!

We limit to once a month, when we do a bank run to Huntingdon for all the bills.

Rhiannon said...

Wow, one a month is impressive. That is our goal, but we get home so late that often we find it SO easy to just go out.

And then when we are out on the weekends running errands...

It never ends. Until now!