Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I joined up!

I was perusing knitowl today and saw that she joined the Sew? I knit along and I was intrigued. I checked it out and sent off my email. This is perfect for me. I have been knitting like crazy and it all came to a screeching halt (well almost) when I got my sewing machine and changed gears.

So I know I have been a terrible poster, I have been a terrible crafter as well. I am trying really hard to focus on school. I love people who blog everyday, I continue to read them even if I am not posting, so you would think I would be a better poster! Oh well, summer is quickly approaching and time should free up substantially. Well unless I get the second job I am considering!

So this is a short and sweet post, I'll try to get some more goods up soon!

1 comment:

RheLynn said...

Just pop your head in every once in a while, you have a lot to do ;o) I'm glad you joined up, do you know what project you'll post about? You make so many great bags out of wonderful fabrics!

And thanks for the link, wow! ;o) Chris really was the instigator *grins*