Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Grumpy due to lost post.

I posted something. All about the Jaywalkers, but somehow it never made it up. Anyways, what are you going to do. Here they are, I opted for a short leg. I really like them so far.
Here is a completed Fetching. It is hard when taking pictures of yourself to get both gloves in the shot. I tried a few self timer shots and was not happy. Mostly I love them, I should have made them a little longer in the finger area, I think my hands are longer than average. Plus they roll quite a bit, I should have done a few decreases before binding off. Other than that, I have not worn them much yet, 100 degrees is not conducive to wool hand mits! But as soon as I can. I should have taken them with me to the coast this weekend.


Tara said...

You're such a knitting fiend. I just noticed how many things I have lying around waiting to be worked on. I have three projects on the needles, two of which I will be ripping out, and one of which will probably not fit right, but I can't bring myself to frog it. Sigh. Plus, I need to drag your wedding present out so I can get it to you for your first anniversary (ha ha ha hahahahahhah)! It's been so freakin cold and rainy here for the last week solid, I'm feeling more like dragging out my winter projects. Too bad I have so much damn work to do!

RheLynn said...

Great progress on both projects! I love the little size 2s myself - but need to get another pair so I can do two socks at once!