Thursday, August 24, 2006

It shrank!

I love felting. It is kind of amazing stuff. I mean when you learn to do laundry, you learn to be careful with hot water so you don't shrink your stuff. But now, I do it on purpose. Actually I have some clothes that I try to shrink a little bit sometimes. You know, those shirts that get all stretched out. Or jeans that are a little too big, so you wash them in hot water to try to shrink them to fit better so you don't have to buy new ones.

So anyways, I am rambling a bit. But I felted the pink and brown bag. I also ran Kyle's socks through one hot water wash to try to shrink them just a bit. He wanted them to fit a little more snug. I could not go further without him trying them on. I don't think they shrank all that much.

On another felting thought, all the books and info I've ever read on felting says you should check the items every five minutes to make sure it doesn't overfelt. I don't know if I am doing it wrong and that is why it sometimes takes me up to five full cycles through the washing machine. But I have never over-felted or felted in one round. I made my sister a pair of felted mittens with the same yarn as Kyle's socks (Cascade 220) and they took FOREVER to felt. And once felted did not shrink all that much.

Now I just finished this bag, which is made out of the Cascade Bulky and after three cycles, it is very well felted and shrank A LOT! I now wish I would have taken before measurements for comparison. But I know it shrank by probably half in height. It is a good size now. Quite lovely!!

1 comment:

RheLynn said...

Yay! The shape is really cool!