Sunday, March 23, 2008

Not Yet.

We're still waiting. Things have been busy. I felt sick most of Thursday, all day yesterday and off and on today. I feel faint a lot of the time. I have barely there contractions all the time. But nothing real so far. No real labor to speak of. It's not so bad because I keep telling myself I'll be 4 centimeters and 100% effaced at my appointment on Wed. and then labor can really kick in. I'm just getting the beginning work done with ease before the hard labor begins.

So I'll post again soon, maybe after the baby arrives or maybe before. We'll see how I feel.

1 comment:

RheLynn said...

Wow I had my FIRST contractions ever a few days before Esme was born, but they kept stopping. We're keeping an eye out and wishing good wishes for you!