Sunday, September 14, 2008

Baby Yoda

Here Lowan is modeling the sleeve of Baby Yoda. I am a bad mother for letting him play with a sleeve with safety pins in it. But he enjoyed it. I am not going to re-knit the sleeve, but I am going to leave a vent of sorts at the bottom of the sleeve. It will match what I am doing on the bottom sides of the sweater.

Next I "tried" the sweater on Lowan. Then he flashed me (the last photo of three). Look at that cute smile in the center, he knows that the camera is aiming at him and he typically won't look away when I get it out.

On Thursday night, Kyle played an opening show for a park performance of Shakespeare in the Park. It was a beautiful night. We couldn't stay for the play because it started at 8pm and Lowan needed to get home to bed. This is not the best picture, but you can see the passion on everyones face, they were all so happy to be playing.

Lowan at the show. This was before the music got started, but he was having a good time none the less. He is seen here with monkey who we stole from Alaska. Still one of his favorite toys!!

Look at my cute men. I like the second picture that looks like Lowan is running across Kyle's lap. They bring me so much happiness!

Now I need to get to work on the second sleeve.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I LOVE those pictures! That sweater will be so cute on Lowan. I didn't like it much by itself, but now I love it. Those colors look nice on your boy. I'm sure Kyle was happy to be playing! I wish we were there so I could go to his shows. And see Lowan getting older and more personality. I can tell from the pictures he's got a little personality (which I guess all babies have).