Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Poop

The new poop in our lives is actually new poop. Lowan's new food is turning into new business out the other end as well. And because of that and the eating, we are upping the number of baths this little fellow will be getting. We didn't give him all that many, I mean, how dirty could he be getting.

But now, it will be at least every other day (I'm thinking) and soon daily. Anyways, here is some fun we had after his bath the other night. He was loving having the towel dragged across him. He's such a cute boy!! Still not much of a roller, he can flip to him stomach like no body's business, but the reverse... not so much. He did... like a month ago. We know he can do it, but he doesn't seem so inclined to do it often. Maybe we jump in and help too soon.

We go to the Dr. on Tuesday for our six month check up, I can't believe that much time has already passed. I guess that's all I have to say for today. I will try to finish up the ties on Baby Yoda and get some of those pics up soon.


Unknown said...

I remember new poop. Lots smellier eh?

Tara said...

I love his diapers. Maybe I won't bring any diapers with me and we'll use your cloth ones. That would be funny. And gross. I wonder what Aidan would think....