Friday, November 18, 2005

New School and New Mittens

I made myself a list. I put it in order. I ment to stick to it. I was going to finish stuff up (swing coat and handsome hound). But what happened. Big surprise, I did not stick to it. At least I am still on the list. I began working on orange mittens for Kate. Tara just kept talking to me about mittens and I was getting jealous. As I LOVE to knit mittens. They are fast and soooo satisfying.

But I've also been busy with school stuff. Not only the regular stuff, homework, tests, going to class (sometimes a challange for me) BUT getting ready to transfer to a new school. I has orientation last friday and have been clearing up holds so I can register on Monday. It looks like I'll be lucky if I even get enough classes let alone the ones I need/want. It sucks to be at the bottom of the totem pole.

How about some pictures:

Some Halloween pictures. First, Kyle and I as a preggers bride and her pa looking for a hubby. Note the shotgun! Next, this had to be my FAVORITE costume. This is one of Kyle's co-workers. Can you tell who he is?? And finally, who doesn't recognize superman. This guy was very corageous to wear this. He even wore it to work ALL day. (He began the party as Clark Kent and only later unveiled his true costume... He had not told anyone who he was. Very ingenious!)

Next a bag I made: Front
And Back:And Finally...
I was inspired at 7:30 this morning (too early) by the bright light and knitting needles. However my cameras batterys died after only one shot, so I don't know how much I love the picture. This new light is all because our neighbor cut down MANY HUGE bushes that blocked the early morning light and their prying eyes from our house. Now it's like our living room window is a huge viewing glass from their back porch. Anyways, excuse my rant and look at the picture.


RheLynn said...

Great picture - see what you mean about the light. I love the light in our main room in the morning.

You make some great bags! They look like the quality I see in Ebay shops and craft shows!

Anonymous said...

I like the photog. The bags are great, too, hopefully I'll be getting one for Christmas :)

Anonymous said...

Who is that guy with the milk and the plant? I feel like I'm supposed to know. But I don't. And the Superman is a brave guy. He's so skinny!! You're shotgun wedding outfits are fabulous.