Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's getting cold and schools nearly done.

I know cold is a relative term. For my sister, in Alaska, cold is zero degrees. But here in California, I am feeling the cold and the lows are in the low 30's and the highs are in the mid 50's. So I know I don't really have much to complain about as Tara often likes to remind me. But it is cold here and I have to take many preparations to take the dog out to the bathroom. Jacket, Kyle's warm slipper fleece lined boots, hat, all the goods.

I know, who takes their dog out to the bathroom when they have a yard?? We do, because our dog has broken through the neighbors fence twice. She is not allowed outside by herself until we get the fence reinforced. It is kind of no fun for her, because she would like to stay outside and play for awhile, but it is too cold for me at 7am.

So all my classes are done!! Woo-Hoo!!!! Only three finals to take next week and then I am off with classes until next fall. This will be the first break I have had from school since I moved back from Alaska in 2004. I'm a little sad that I am so close to done and have to postpone, but grow more excited about the upcoming baby every day. So it is all worth it!!

This past weekend, Kyle and I took a day trip to the Kings River. His cousin owns some land right on the river. I wanted to take some pictures of him fishing. It was a really nice day and the dog LOVED it. She loves to run. She found a dead fish and tried to eat it nearly right away. So she was pretty stinky and now Kyle's car smells really bad. It is probably in the upholstery of the seat. Kokanee was exhausted the entire rest of the day, she barely moved. Later in the day, my brother came by and wanted the dogs to play. Kokanee wanted nothing to do with Edie, growling at her when she tried to initiate some play. I just brought the poor tired dog back inside to her bed. The only way picture of me get taken is by me with the self timer. So while Kyle was gold panning, I was busy using my gorilla tripod to take pictures of myself.

Not much knitting going on, but now that school is wrapping up, I can get busy. I really need to finish those slippers for Kyle. Time will present itself soon! Maybe today even. That would be nice.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Yes, 30 degrees is not very cold. It is below zero here this morning. I think our new windows are really helping. But I could sure feel it in the garage! The pictures at the river look so inviting.