Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I've been busy, But...

Here is Handsome Hound. I spent Sunday evening watching the shows (Desperate Housewives and Greys Anatomy...my fave!) and working on sewing him up. Then I got back in bed yesterday morning after the gym and sewed, sewed, sewed. Then I began to stuff. And finally I came home from work, stuffed a little more and stitched up his bootie hole. Then the picture taking began. I love this guy... he is SO cute. And I want him back if Jessica (or Ian) ever doesn't love him anymore!! I know... pictures already:

He spent a lot of time jumping around the apartment last night. Poor Kyle was in bed with a temp of 103, and he had to suffer through my crazy picture taking tirade. I am kind of a photo crazed lady. I will be leaving for Alaska in less then a week, batteries will need to be charged and MANY photos will be taken. I can't get enough of that little niece of mine. If I had my camera all the time, it would be dangerous. Except that I feel odd taking pictures when other people are watching. Or taking pictures that someone wants to turn out really good. Or taking pictures of adults. I HATE taking pictures of adults. Kyle asked me to take pictures of his band a long time ago. But adults are all self conscious... and then so am I about telling them what to do. Oh well... babies and kids for me. Oh and knit/sewn items!

Okay and now some bag pictures, I worked on this one for most of the weekend...

Not entirely done. I need to throw a seam around the top edge to really secure the lining to the bag. I am not the best sewer, but will continue working at it!!


Anonymous said...

Handsome hound is just that...handsome! Love the leaping photos of him. Did you do it all by yourself or did you make Kyle throw it for you? I see the swing coat for Teagan is on your list...I expect that to be finished and under our Christmas tree this year! Crazy. Are you excited to have "the project" revealed to you in less than a week? You'll probably hate it, but oh well. Back 2 work 4 me.

RheLynn said...

Handsome hound! I love the jumping pic. Is that the infamous Trout in one of those pictures?

Hope Kyle feels better soon!