Saturday, January 19, 2008

I will finish.

My plan is to finish the Tilted Duster today. I know that was my plan last weekend, but that sleeve took it all out of me. I really want to start a new project, but will not. I will finish the sleeve. So little to do, why would I want to start something new right now.

It is a good day too, Kyle is out of town all day. He is up at Sierra Summit (local ski place... is there a better name I should use to describe it) to play a show. This is the first show he has done it a LONG time. I don't think the band is getting back together for good, just for a couple of little weekend gigs to make some extra money.

So off I go for now... I am going to get busy with the seaming RIGHT NOW.

Hopefully pictures to follow this evening. I will have to make a trip to the store for buttons. I find choosing buttons really hard. It's funny because on a store bought sweater they mean next to nothing. But for some reason putting buttons on a hand knit sweater takes much more thought. Maybe my LYS has buttons. Or it will just be JoAnn's.

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