Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bad Day

I guess I am having a bad day. I feel kind of down and am not doing the things I need to do!!

Tara avert your eyes, I don't want your criticism. I just ate a bag of popcorn for my pre-dinner, then Kyle and I are going to go get something after I am done with school. I am having a day where the thought of cooking is too much to bear. I have a few too many of these days. I just can't think of ANYTHING to make and become crippled by the thought of food. So I called Kyle and told him I should be done with class early and we can go grab something after that.

I have a test tonight (hence getting out early) and have done everything BUT study for it. I keep meaning to, but here I am, continuing to not study. I have less than an hour (about 30 minutes until I have to leave) and have barely done any studying!! I have been preoccupied with my new gmail account. Email through Google, seems interesting. I have been setting up tags and filters and all kinds of nerdy computer stuff. At least it is the weekend, I WILL read my textbooks and get up to date on school what not. I am already feeling so tired by school. Bad since I am not very far into the semester!! Oh well, off I go for 20 minutes of studying!!

The above picture is how I feel.


RheLynn said...

oh :o(( I do hope the weekend is better for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm NEVER critical. I have those days ALL THE TIME, and even more now that I'm trying to eat healthy. It's just too much to think of something healthy and varied from the last few nights that everyone will want to eat. Exhausting. And popcorn's not so bad, if it's the low fat kind :)