Saturday, February 25, 2006

Textbooks and Knitting

I will read textbooks and knit. That is my goal. I am already working on it. It would be easier if the knitting was not a knit 4, purl 1. This requires a little more attention then I should be giving the knitting. Because if I am to absorb any of the text book, I need to focus there.

The weather was BEAUTIFUL today. I think it was 75 at about 3:30pm. Sunny and warm and fantastic. I came home and got a little cleaning done. Read some more Harry Potter. I can't wait to finish the book because then I can (try to) force myself to do the reading that matters.

I spent over an hour on the computer working on a school project last night to have the computer crash without a save. ARGH!! So when I set back to working on it, I saved about every 1 minute. I may have been being paranoid, but I didn't want to do it three times. Here's hoping to another beautiful day tomorrow... back to reading I go.


RheLynn said...

Is that the second sock I see? Good luck with the reading, it is always harder when it is assigned ;o)

I have biscuits in the oven and doll parts strewn across my table. Too bad about the computer crash :o( I've been there too many times (but then I married a computer geek, so it evens out right?)

RheLynn said...

Thanks for the comment on the drawing -- I am so glad Chris reccommended Illustration Friday to me ;o)

How is your second sock coming? I hope you have a good weekend!