Monday, February 13, 2006

Super Motivated... Just on the wrong things.

So I loved making the cross bag thing. It was a good time. I was diligent and ironed seams along the way and really thought it out. Not my strong suit, I usually rush through.

Then Jessica's reaction was great. She LOVED the bag. With someone gushing over it so much, I had to come home and make her bag number two. It was much easier since I had already done one. But we were talking and I said a bigger one would be nice and she agreed, in her mind she wanted a beach bag. So essentially I made the same bag, just wider. It is FANTASTIC. I am making one for me. Kyle loved the material (Jessica's choice) and was sad when I said it was not for me.

Unfortunately, I was so excited to give, I forgot to photograph. Not such a big deal, I can get it back for a photo shoot anytime. However I do have this lovely photo of the material.

Things I should have done instead of sewing... Study for upcoming tests. Study in general. Make meals at home instead of being lazy and eating out. Plan food for the week so I can make meals at home instead of eating out. Clean. Clean some more. File. State taxes.

Hmmm, I have a lot of thing I should have done. And what am I doing now... Typing about the bag I should not have made. At least I withheld until I get a coupon to go buy the fabric for my own FANTASTIC bag!!

I love it!

After just spell checking my blog (I apologize for misspelled words, I am a bad speller) they did not recognize Jessica's and said it should be cheesecake instead. Now I want some cheesecake. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

1 comment:

RheLynn said...

hehe spell checkers come up with some odd things, but usually not so tasty ;o)

You look like you are having an enviable good time sewing!