Monday, February 06, 2006


It was late on Friday evening. Kyle was home sick. I thought nothing good was going to happen. And then, the doorbell rang. Kyle asked if I was expecting anyone and I said no. It was about 6pm, maybe later, so I was not expecting the mailwomen. Mostly because I know our mail is delivered about 1 to 2pm. But there she was. She had my box. It was big and beautiful! Then I opened it. YEAH... all there! Woo-Hoo!

I caressed it. I fondled it. I tossed it around. If Kyle had not have been home sick in bed, I would have dumped it out and rolled around in it. I am so excited!! Now it is shoved in the closet as to not tempt me into casting on for that big boy I am anxious to get going on.

I did however throw the ballet t-shirt back on the needles, knit like crazy all weekend (when I should have been studying) and bound off last night. No pictures yet, because I am not too happy with it. I may have to tear back some inches and make some adjustments, mostly I made it too long. I was afraid of it being to short so I just kept going and going!

We watched the Super Bowl yesterday. It was good. In the middle we decided we wanted a dart board and went to Big 5 and bought one. We figured a sporting goods store would be pleasantly empty on a day such as SuperBowl Sunday! We were right. And we had a sad game last night. I did terrible. But I practiced a little a few minutes ago and will beat Kyle within one year. He is A LOT better than me!!
Kyle and I were laying on the couch together the other night and he started picking at lint balls on my slippers which I told him to stop doing. He then told me how much he HATES lint balls and picks at the particular pair of socks he was wearing all the time. And pointed out the ball-less patch. I told him I had a shaver and got it out. We took turns shaving lint balls off each other's feet. It was romantic!!


Anonymous said...

Gross! No one wants to know about your lint shaving fest. I don't know why that is disturbing, but it is. Good job resisting temptation on the new knitting project. I have not been in a knitty type of mood lately. In fact, I've been rather craftless. I think it's my newfound obssession with my diet. I will be the biggest loser, just you wait. Tomorrow we'll find out whose number 1. Oh wait, you're already winning. Oh well :)

RheLynn said...

Beautiful yarn! It is always better when you have to wait for it ;o) Frustrating, but also better in some weird way.

Hmm.. how are you going to wash Kyle's new socks so they don't lintball??

Rhiannon said...

Good question! He will just have to deal with it or wash them himself.

Anonymous said...

Lint balls don't do much for me either. Probably because I have picked and brush and swept more than enough to amuse me any further.

Thought you might lke to know...I have yarn in my closet....for a coat. Have it so long I am not sure I like it anymore.

By the way Opi fell...didn't hurt himself but..I did have a four postr bed? Now I have a three poster bed !