Friday, February 10, 2006

Target inspired me...

Yesterday Kyle had jury duty. It was in Clovis very far away from our house. More then he wanted to ride. So he checked the bus schedule. He would have had to get there at 7 in the morning which would probably entail catching a bus near 6am. Kyle is NOT a morning person. So I told him I would take him and then go to work. It messed me up a little, but not too bad.

Then in the morning, we were eating our oatmeal when I saw a note he wrote that said Jessica was working from 9 - 11am. Jessica is my coffee dealer. So I was very excited, I wanted to go get some, I don't normally make it by in the mornings because I have to be at work and the two locations are by no means close.

BUT... The drive from the courthouse to work would take me VERY near Barnes and Noble. Unfortunately... just a little too early. About 45 minutes too early. Shucks!! But wait, I could go to JoAnn's on the way and kill a little time. So I swung through the parking lot. NO - they also open at 9am.

So the choice... do I skip (cheap) coffee and go to work or find another place to go. (At this point I wished I had my school books, I could read them in the parking lot) So I went to Target, it was hard, I kept thinking, go to work, you need to go to work, but I drove to Target (just across the street).

Once inside I found this:

They call it a cross bag... or something like that. I really liked it. But thought how easy it would be to make. So I was studying it to try to memorize it for making a pattern at home. And realized I could just buy it and then return it after I made a pattern (is this stealing??)

Next, of coarse, it was time to go to Barnes and Noble for my fix.

I bring the bag in because Jessica appreciates a good bag as much as I do. She LOVED it, as was to be expected and asked that I make her one.

What a great idea. I have way too many bags for myself. WAY TOO MANY!! So I get to make the bag but give it to someone. And she said she would buy the material. Even better. I get to do the crafty fun without the crafty cost!!

So later that day, we were hanging out and decided to go to JoAnn's to pick out some material she liked. Jessica had the great idea of having two fabrics, one for the front and one for the back and then the lining would be the same material but opposite on the inside. She wanted something in the grey family and found a nice purple flower print. And she fell in love with this funky canvas. We bought all the material. For both bags the total was $20 - the same price as this one from Target. Now of course mine has no embroidery, but great material!!

So I got home from class last night and began whipping this baby up. Lo and Behold... it is complete!! I am so excited because I am mooching Chinese food dinner off her dad tonight so I will be seeing her and can present her with one complete bag. And number two will come quicker because I will have done it already once. I was so good I even ironed my seams to make it perfect. (It is not perfect because I am not the best sewer, but it is GOOD!)


RheLynn said...

Beautiful bags! I love the embroidery work on the first one (which I know is store-bought, but it catches my eye). It sounds like you had a fun time out (and crafting).

jenna sais quoi said...

Those bags are gorgeous!

I actually made a very similar knitted bag (free pattern from knitty) in recycled silk, and I lurrrrrrve it to pieces.