Saturday, October 22, 2005

And of course...

As usual, I spend forever (like I said, at least it felt like forever) looking for the needle who ran away. And finally gave in and found some replacements. After having thoughts of how my lys should rent needles, or sell single double point needles. So when one walks off OR your mean cat chews on the end of one. You are not out of luck or in the need of buying a WHOLE new set. I mean, do I really need 8 or 9 dpn?? So, if it isn't apparent, I found it. It fell off the couch and got under the carpet somehow. And while searching, I dislodged it but didn't see it right away.

Then I saw it. I screamed in delight, not in horror like when I stepped on the slug. I told Kyle how excited I was, he was indifferent. I called Tara to tell her, she was indifferent. I had just spend 15 minutes blogging about the lost needle, then it came back And NO ONE CARED!!

Except for me. I was exstatic!! I still am. It makes me so happy to find something that was lost and written off. So instead of writing about it, I should go use it and finish up on that sweater.

Off I go!!

1 comment:

RheLynn said...

LoL! Congrats on finding your needle! As for no one else celebrating, it all has to do with where your priorities lie ;o)

I hadn't seen that you biked. I got the weirdest looks this morning as I biked in 40 degree weather to the post office (only 3 blocks) to mail my slippers off. Odd how I used to look at Minnesotans biking in -10 the same way...

DH is vegan, but I'm not. Although, I usually eat what he eats out of convenience. Doesn't make sense to cook two different meals usually.

Thanks for the response on the hat - I am trying one I found online... but it's more like trial and error ;o)