Friday, October 21, 2005

What do you do when a needle moves out?

I have looked. High. Low. Around. EVERYWHERE. That silly little needle is gone. While I have made great progress on the bag this sweater has sat neglected for DAYS! I want it done. I want to mail it off to my precious little neice. She is cold without it. So after searching, I pulled out the bed, I pulled out the dresser. It was not behind either. I looked under one couch, I looked under two couched. It was not under either. I looked through many knitting things, in all the many places I keep knitting things. I went to bed and had completed the sleeve and placed the sweater and needles on the dresser next to the bed. I woke up in the morning, took the sweater and needles to the living room sat down, put the stitches back on the needles and only had three. Somehow I've already misplaced one of the needles for this dpn set (on a previous fact it may have some stitches resting on it in the depths of my stash) so I was down to four. So when number four took a walk, never to return... what was I to do.

Well I decided to go through some of my funky stashes of needles. See, I went to the thrift store and bought many sets of needles (they all needed to be cleaned, they were all sticky from being taped together) and I have recieved some needles from my grandma as well. But I had not really delved into these sets and didn't know what existed. But tonight, after searching forever. Like 15-20 minutes (it seemed like FOREVER!!) I decided to check these out. I got out my little gauge/needle size checker thing and started poking all the needles that looked close to the right size into it. Somehow, even though they looked to be the right size, they were like size 4. Way smaller than the 8's I need.

But then...

Ugly needles, they will have to suffice!! Posted by Picasa

THERE THEY WERE! A set of size 8's. All yellow and made out of some funky looking plastic. OLD. VERY OLD. But they will work. And they will work well. They must work. OR I WILL GO CRAZY. I am already a bit crazy, I've been up since 7am. Too early.

Look "I Do" is hiding underneath "Swing". Poor I DO, will I ever wear it again?? I am excited that I made it and I got loads of compliments, but I feel so self concious in it. Those long sleeves. Normally such a good thing. Hmmmm, I will wear it, I MUST!!

So I will begin work on the cardigan again in the morning. Hopefully finishing the sleeve this weekend and maybe completing the whole project by the end of the month. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thinking! The coat looks really sweet, and a very soft color. I admire you for persistance! ;o)

I've bought a good deal of my needles from thrift stores, they can be lifesavers!