Thursday, January 19, 2006

As the sock grows.

I continue to make progress (slow but sure) on the sock. I had to get a knit fix this morning, so I knit one round before I left for work. I knit for awhile this afternoon, but knew I HAD to finish the FABO red hat lady scarf for mom. She loves it, and is going a bit crazy for the whole red hat craze. She has quite the collection of outfits for her upcoming red hat trip to Reno. So not much to say but here are some pictures...
I must say, yes RheLynn, I am worried about felting. But I figured I could hand wash these socks. Kyle said he really wanted wool for the warmth. I'm very worried that they won't fit or he won't like them, or I won't finish them. Plus many other worries, so I am just making them and will see how they turn out. For my first pair, I figure I need to stumble through and make some mistakes.

We will have the first try on session for Kyle this evening. I at least don't want to get to far if they aren't going to work out. Yes, I told him, I didn't even try to keep it a secret.

A secret I will keep from Kyle... I broke my over three year no McDonalds streak this morning. My stomach was weak and I had to eat an egg mcmuffin with cheese. At least it was good and hit the spot instead of being very disappointing like I was expecting. It is not that we are totally opposed to Mikey D's, but I got a pretty severe case of food poisoning that I attribute to them many years ago and had not been back since. Oh the shame of breaking such a long streak!


RheLynn said...

The sock is coming along great, especially for your first one! I didn't mean to sound negative about the felting -- my first pair of socks was in Cascade 220 (Oatmeal) and felted soon afterwards. But... I wasn't careful enough to handwash them *every* time ;o) If Kyle likes wool, he should love these socks ;o)!

I just gave J a buzz-cut and now I'm off to play Literati. Have a great night!

Rhiannon said...

did they felt beyond wearability?

I was worried about such things (felting) but moved forward regardless because I liked the yarn. And now Kyle has tried them on and they are on the large size, so I am going to continue and then try to felt them down just a little bit. Custom Fit! (I hope).

RheLynn said...

Well -- They fit just right when I made them. I didn't have the forsight to make them a bit bigger.

They felted down to a size that was uncomfortable to wear :o(

J is in the other room fighting Willowpede over puzzle pieces. I have to go help!