Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday morning fun

Here is Kyle wearing the Red Hat Lady Scarf. It is lovely and thick. He is busy playing bass and ignoring me wrapping red and purple fancy stuff around him.

Then I tried on the ballet t-shirt - still in progress. I am planning to place my order for the final balls of yarn later today. It doesn't really show my bra through so much until the flash hits it (at least that is what I tell myself). I look so sleepy in this picture, but it is almost noon. Time to get some coffee... mmmmmmmm!

And finally here is the long sleeve wonder. My batteries were dying in the camera so I had to have Kyle snap quick shots and not worry about how good or BAD I looked. So these pictures don't show me in a good light. Argh... but here they are anyways.

I will try to take more (and better) pictures later and post them. I have knit so very little since I got home, I've been trying to work a lot to make up some of the hours I've missed and because school starts on Wed, I want to get as much done as possible! I finished the Red Hat Scarf and have been pondering whether I will really make the cable cardigan. It will be such an undertaking and I would hate to order 38 balls of yarn to never complete the project!! What to do!! I asked Tara for her advice and she was no help. Kyle is no help. I guess this is one for me to decide if I have the gumption to follow it through to completion.


RheLynn said...

Cool pictures, you both do look like you're having fun ;o) I've tagged you today, hope you haven't already done this one! ;o)

Anonymous said...

I'm eating the sloppiest kiwi ever. Nice half shirt. I think you should leave it like that. So hot! You should see my green bedroom. I need a blog so I can post stuff...but first I need faster internet!