Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

And I am DONE!

The end came and passed so quickly. I took this whole week off from work to study for the last four finals. I studied some but mostly enjoyed a week home with Lowan and Kyle.

I checked a book out from the library on Saturday (a novel and a couple of knitting books - but the novel is the book I'm referring to) and really shouldn't have because I couldn't put it down. I got into it and then I just wanted to read it. It got so bad when I was right near the end that I picked up my textbook and opened it to the middle somewhere, then I opened the novel and lay it inside the textbook, so Kyle would think I was studying. I mean, what am I, in high school? But he would have yelled at me for not focusing on school. Tara will probably also have something to say about this.

I really lost a lot of my oomph this semester. I mean, it was my last one, I had a baby, I have the job, my grades have been good. So... I was focused on passing and that was all. I didn't feel like I needed lots of A's or to bust my butt, especially for the classes I didn't really like (one management one and one terrible accounting class, that I didn't even want to take - but that is all another (long) story!) and I did fine. A's and B's all around. I hope at least, the class I was most concerned with I have a 79.75% in, so if he doesn't give me a B I'll be surprised, I mean, who doesn't round up. But there are those teachers who don't. But I don't really care, the C is fine, because I feel like I did C work when it came to the tests, I worked harder on the projects and paper.

So, some knitting news. I have frogged the brioche hat. It had too many mistakes and whenever Kyle wore it, they stuck out at me yelling at me for my poor knitting. It was too big - around his head and too long. It was knit somewhat loosely, and the yarn was snagging. So I am re-knitting it into a new hat. A more basic, quick, done in a weekend kind of number. I think Kyle will like it equally. All I know is, that brioche sweater I love so much - I don't think so. I just don't think I can fix my mistakes when I make them, and I can't stand to have mistakes. Especially big glaring ones that won't leave me alone.

I should go, Lowan is all over the place and needs some breakfast. He is moving like crazy - not really crawling yet, but scooting quite well. Who needs to crawl, when this works just fine. And like many kids, he sees the only thing he shouldn't have and then he's right for it like a bullet. What will I do when he gets REALLY fast?

Friday, December 12, 2008

The End is Near

That's right, the end of a very long school career. I've gone off and on (but mostly on) for 24 years (all the way back to kindergarten). And I have one week left. Classes ended on Wednesday night and I have a final next Wed. and then three more on Thursday. I took all of next week off to study and prepare and relish in the end of my part time working lifetime. Because come the 22nd, I start working full time as an accountant.

I am still in partial disbelief that I am done and have a "real" job like a grown up. Even having a baby didn't really make me feel grown up. I always say to Kyle how it really feels like I'm still just a kid. I guess those days are gone... life and responsibility and child and husband and such mean I am not even close to being a kid anymore.

I'm not sad or disappointed, just doesn't quite feel real to me.

But I'm excited about the job, I've been working at this accounting firm for about 5 months and really like it. I wasn't sure if I was going to like being a tax accountant. It wasn't really the avenue I was interested in. I really liked management accounting and planned on working in manufacturing or some such job. But this firm offered me a position and I didn't really like the work I was doing at the time. And then Kyle lost his job and I needed more hours/money/stability and was worried about the stability most of all at my last job. So I moved on to the tax accounting firm. And so far I really like the work. I like doing tax returns, at least the handful that I've done. It fits my brain well. I like order and things going in neat consistent places and that is what a tax return is all about. It took me a long time to decide on a degree and making this choice was hard, I was resistant for a long time about going into business. But it is a decision I am glad I made.

Anyways, on top of school ending and working kicking into full gear, Kyle and I decided to buy a house. It kind of happened really fast and unexpectedly. I have been obsessed with looking at houses for sale online for a long time... we were planning to buy later next year. What with prices coming down and my income going up, it only made sense. So I emailed our realtor and asked what kind of timeline we should follow. She said go ahead and get prequalified for a loan, we have plenty of time to look.

Then I found a house online for $85,000. I had to have it, I mean who couldn't afford a $500 a month house payment. So I called her (this was like the next day) and said I wanted to see it. So we went and she said that she wanted to show us a few other houses. She said this house was in really bad shape and we could do a lot better. Especially because we could afford to spend more. So we went to another house that we liked, but the location was no good. Then we went to a house that was already in escrow, but she wanted us to see what kind of quality was out there. Then, the house that was meant for us was the last on the agenda. I don't think she thought it was going to be the house for us, she was just showing us what was around. But we fell in love. It is a three bedroom one bath house with a room in the back yard off the garage with a second bathroom. We really like the separate room, it will be Kyle's music room. We would have preferred two bathrooms in the house, but there are two available for when we need them. It has a nice sized yard with a really big covered patio that I love.

There is a problem, and it is kind of a big one. The house has a pool. We don't want a pool. Not even a little bit. Okay, maybe a little bit, but we don't want the extra work or the extra cost or the extra hassle. So... we are going to demolish the bottom, fill it in with dirt and it will be Kyle's garden. I know it is kind of a waste. But our thought is we will be in the house for 10 to 15 years, so we shouldn't lose value.

We don't have the house yet, we are in escrow as of Tuesday. We are getting all the inspections done and will see how much work the place needs. So far the termite inspection is requiring about $2000 worth of work and the roof inspection $2500. We have to see if the seller will cover any or all of the repairs and then figure out if we will continue.

Anyways, enough about all that. If you want to see the house go here. Kyle videotaped it the other day so we could show out of town family. It is a kind of amusing video.

Fresno is known for its Christmas Tree Lane. We went down it the other night and really bundled Lowan up for it. He has on socks, pants, footsie pajamas, his thick coat, a hat, and these funny boot slipper things. Then he had a blanket wrapped around his legs and was in the back pack. Unfortunately his hands were cold. I was inspired to knit him some mittens but haven't yet. I'm sure Tara thinks this is funny as she is in Alaska where it really is cold. It was pretty cold, but not so bad, maybe low 40's. It was fun.

Finally, we had dinner with Kyle's grandparents last weekend. It was a good time and I finally got some pictures of them with Lowan. Not too many good ones of all three of them, if Omi was smiling, Opi wasn't and vice versa. Another nice time.

Okay, I've written plenty for one night. I'm so tired, I've got to go to bed and rest up for a long haul of studying. Have a great weekend!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Look I knit something (and other non knitting stuff)

Here is Baby Yoda. So cute. I think the body will fit Lowan for awhile, but the sleeves, I'm not so sure. So he'll wear it now, and then I'll take off the sleeves and reknit them for next winter. He is also modeling his umbilical hat in one picture. This picture doesn't show the umbilical-ness of it though. So he's only modeled the sweater and not actually worn it yet, it's been surprisingly too warm the past couple of days. But soon!!

Lowan has been SO fussy as of late, he's teething and it is driving us crazy. Him too I imagine. So anyways, last night in addition to teething fussy, he was diaper rash fussy. So after his bath I had him naked and was playing with him. I had him cradled in the blanket I made a few weeks ago (so easy!) and was rocking him and bouncing him on the couch. He LOVED it and was all laughs. So then I made Kyle take over so I could take some pictures. And this boy is done being immobile. He has begun to really scoot around. He kind of slinks on his belly, but he went from one side of his crib to the other yesterday a couple of times. It won't be long now that he'll be everywhere.

Finally - here are all Tara and my kids. I have a cheerio obsession. It all started many years ago with Teagan. It was just a coincidence that I put them in the same pattern on Lowan. I had to go through the old photo cd's to come up with this one of Teagan. Look at these cute kids, Tara and I know how to bake us some cute babies. Boy, Teagan was a fatty! I didn't remember those thighs until I saw them again. They were huge. She makes Aidan look skinny, and he's no small fry. Lowan looks down right anorexic next to Tara's two chunkers. She's probably not going to like these comments, but it's funny. Anyone who knows Kyle and I wouldn't think we'd have the skinny baby. We're not little people. But Lowan is quite long.

So, I'm a terrible mom and something must be wrong with me, I took no pictures of Lowan on his very first Thanksgiving. I've got the day before and the day after and nothing of him at Kyle's family reunion with the 60 or so relatives. What is wrong with me. Oh well, there will be another one in two years. I'll take pictures then.

I've got to get a paper and a project done for school. I shouldn't have paused for this. But now I'm off.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Best Buddies

Lowan and Trout have really become good friends. There is some hair pulling. There has been some scratching. But generally the cat can't stay away from the baby. Trout loves the attention Lowan gives her. And I think she thinks the boppy is hers, not his. She is either curled up on the floor with it around her, or if we have Lowan nestled in it, Trout will lay on it as seen above. Currently they are playing together at my feet. What a happy house we have.

And here are some comical shots from dinner a couple of days ago. Lowan was not unhappy, but was making some VERY expressive faces that would lead you to believe he was not enjoying his meal. His expressions have become so much more varied and even the ugly ones are so cute!

I really don't have much time. School is getting close to the end. Papers and tests are occupying my mind. But the end is near. The really big all done end. Okay, maybe not. I might go back and take one other class next year and then take the CPA review courses for the test. But all of that is for my CPA certification. The degree will be mine in Dec.

Have a great happy day.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Lowan was a fly fisherman for Halloween this year. He has little flies that Kyle and I made on his hat. He has a stringer of fish over his shoulder. And a little fishing pole to catch the good stuff with.

We went to my friend Jessica's house. Then to Kyle's dad's house. Then we planned to stop by my parent's house, but had been out to late and really needed to get Lowan home. So they came to see him at our house. I took a bunch of photos. And Lowan got nothing special to eat, no candy, no treat, no trick either. Oh well, next year he'll get something sweet and wonderful I'm sure. I think next year we really will go out trick or treating. He'll be walking and ready to hit the road!

What do you do?

We had the biggest parenting OOPS last night. Not really my oops, but my mom's oops. (Pictures not related to story)

Kyle and I made dinner and dessert due to the day off for me. Delicious stuff... panko crusted shrimp, mushroom risotto, broccoli, and coconut croissant chocolate bread pudding. It was so tasty. So we had my parents over for some good eats.

I had finished the risotto and was giving Lowan some food when my parents arrived. My mom sat down to finish feeding him and I went to help Kyle with the shrimp. When he was close to done, I jokingly walked over to my mom at the table and pointed to my glass and said don't give that to Lowan, it's my wine. She looked at me in horror. And asked if I was joking, I told her no, his cup was the blue plastic one. And the oops hit, she gave our seven month old some wine to drink.

The problem is I drink my wine in tumblers, not wine glasses. And we will often give Lowan drinks out of these cups as it is easier to see the water getting to his mouth. We are trying to teach him how to drink from a real cup as opposed to using sippy cups. And there wasn't that much wine and it was hard to tell it was colored. So... OOPS!! He didn't get much, I'm sure once it hit his mouth he didn't like it and let it all drool out anyways. But not really something I wanted my son to try quite so young in his life.

He seemed and seems to be fine. No harm done. I gave him the good ol' booby and he went to bed over an hour later and nothing seemed amiss.

So it was a good laugh and a little stress around our parts last night.

I just added the pictures to this post. As you can see, Lowan like him some tv. He watches it very intently whenever it is on. And so of course we wanted to watch the election results on the 4th. So Lowan got some tv time. We have pretty much opted to keep it off anytime he is awake due to his love. Needless to say, we were pleased with the big win. Unfortunately, Kyle and I were very disappointed in some CA and local Fresno wins. Hopefully it will be better next election.

Also, finally some knit goodness here on my knitting blog. That cute little brown Charlie Brown-esque stripped hat was something I made before Lowan was born. But it turned out way to big and had ends that needed to be woven in. I finally finished it up and while still a little big... Adorable!!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

I keep meaning to.

I really keep meaning to post. I think about it, but never get to it. And this will not really be a post. Just a quick cute picture of my ever growing, super fabulous son.

I am continuously overwhelmed with how stinkin' cute I think this kid is. I love his little face!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wow - Post Number 300

I can't believe I have posted 300 times. So fall is coming on round our part of the country. And for Fresno, it is short and quick. But so nice. We are having days of 70's and 80's. Sun. Wind. Nice!!

Tara and her fam was here and left last Tuesday. It was a really nice visit. Teagan stayed the night at my house a couple of times. Here she is loving on her cousin. She really likes Lowan and wants to spend a lot of time with him. She was so cute and if I was leaving she would say she hadn't spent much time with Lowan and could we stay longer. She is turning into such a mature girl, it amazes and shocks me!

And here are those two sweet boys. This time Aidan didn't roll over and kick Lowan in the face (he did when I took a very similar picture in Alaska over the summer). Besides, Lowan might just grab him back if Aidan did. Lowan has grown so much since the last time they were together that he was equally interested in Aidan. Soon they will be running and playing together. Probably by the next visit.

We took a trip to the local pumpkin patch and corn maze. Unfortunately, we got out kind of late and it was kind of cold. And so we only made it about a quarter of the way through the maze before most of us (mainly my portion of the family: Kyle, Lowan and I) got too tired and needed to go home. It was also pretty cold and windy, Lowan ended up under several blankets. And, we only had one stroller. I guess there was some poor planning going on, but it was a good time any how. I should post pictures of the decorated pumpkins, Teagan did them up!!

So, most mornings I plop Lowan in bed with Kyle after he wakes up (or after I wake him up) and they lay together while I finish getting ready for school or work. They play for awhile, and then Lowan goes back to bed for his first morning nap. We have a kind of weird nap schedule that includes several short naps instead of a couple of long naps. We keep trying to work on it, but Lowan likes to cat nap and he gets fussy if we try to keep him up to consolidate naps. Anyways, on this particular morning, they were playing for awhile. Then I realized it had gotten awfully quiet in the bedroom. I think I was in the living room working on homework before I had to leave. I went back in the bedroom and both boys had fallen back to sleep in the middle of playing. It is kind of hard to tell in this picture, but they are out! I snatched Lowan up, put him in his crib and let them both get their rest.

The above picture and the one below with all the peas are from tonight. Lowan is sitting GREAT! He doesn't need the pillow for support, he needs it to protect his noggan when he tips over. But he will sit for 20 minutes at a time, no problem. He seems to really enjoy it a lot. He is also doing some scooting. He will pull his legs underneath himself, into a sort of crawling position and then he pushes them out from underneath and propels forward a little. It is mostly by accident, but when he sees something he wants, he works towards it. It won't be long and he'll really get moving. I think we are done with the swing, he is kind of too big and is starting to get fussy in it. So Kyle set up this area for Lowan in the kitchen while he was making dinner.

And finally, here is dinner (for Lowan) from tonight. He had peas. It wasn't the first time, but he really enjoyed them tonight. He kept opening up for more and more and more. Feeding Lowan is such a sweet time. He wasn't so fond of chicken and he really likes sweet potato with yogurt. He should love sweet potato, Kyle and I eat a lot of them. Today, Kyle made sweet potato hash browns for the first time. He is experimenting with some ideas. I love Kyle in the kitchen.

On that note, I should go. I'm exhausted.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


The semester is about a third to half way done (I'm not so sure where we are) and I've got some crafting on the brain. I've been working on a yarn order for awhile. I just can't decide what exactly I want. So here are the projects I'd like to bang out this winter:

I know I've already mentioned Versatility. But I still love it. I am leaning towards using Cadena in grey (mist). Tara's is coming along. She is nearly done and I'm so excited to see it.

I also need a new hat for me. And I've been in love with this pattern for awhile. It is Koolhaas from Interweave Knits a few issues ago. I'm pretty sure I have the pattern, I'll just have to look. This I'm envisioning in Wool of the Andes in the kettle dyed brown (Auburn Kettle).

I've also wanted to try this yarn out. So I'm thinking of getting a ball in their clearance color and making Teagan some mittens. Just went to link and the clearance color is gone. So now I have to decide if I want to try it out at full price... Hmmmm.

Finally, I want to make this cutie for Lowan. His name is Sheldon and his shell comes off. I am thinking in green and brown. I am debating between the yarn used in the picture or some other stuff I really want to try, this yarn here. It is a sock yarn, but has a cool look and has some elastic in it, which is kind of nice.

Alright, enough dreaming, time to get my but in gear, eat breakfast and get ready for work. Oh, and take care of my child.

Saturday, October 04, 2008


Lowan has begun to really roll. And he rolled under the coffee table today. Where he found a receipt that he promptly began eating. Little stinker!

I was on the computer trying to get some school work done, and he went for a roll. HA-HA. He has become really good at it, really fast. For the longest time he wouldn't roll from stomach to back even though he knew how. But that has changed and since yesterday he has not really stayed where we put him. The crib needs to be lowered too, I worry about my future!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


It sounds like a type of bread. Hmmm... Maybe it is bread as well as a knit stitch. I have nearly finished Kyle's brioche hat from Weekend Knitting. This has been one long project, mainly due to a nearly six month wait on the ordered yarn. Then when I got the yarn, I didn't want to work on the project because I had dropped a stitch. And um... they are hard to pick up in this crazy brioche business. So this little project, hands down, has the most errors ever. I make errors while knitting, but I pretty much always fix them. This little number is full of them and there was no way I was going to drop any stitch in an attempt to fix them. I would have lost everything. I could barely remember what I was doing. I wouldn't call the brioche hard, but it is confusing to look at. I don't know what is going on well enough with it to fix anything. Those two colors are all intertwined to create that look. But what a look, it comes out really cool.

So Kyle is pretty excited. He didn't think I'd finish this hat, especially not in time for his camping trip in a week and a half, but finish it I did. Well, except for those pesky ends to be woven in. But that is not the irritating problem it used to be. Sorry this picture is not of the finished hat, I have not taken any yet.

Also, today, Lowan is six months old. YEA!! What a cute boy!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Poop

The new poop in our lives is actually new poop. Lowan's new food is turning into new business out the other end as well. And because of that and the eating, we are upping the number of baths this little fellow will be getting. We didn't give him all that many, I mean, how dirty could he be getting.

But now, it will be at least every other day (I'm thinking) and soon daily. Anyways, here is some fun we had after his bath the other night. He was loving having the towel dragged across him. He's such a cute boy!! Still not much of a roller, he can flip to him stomach like no body's business, but the reverse... not so much. He did... like a month ago. We know he can do it, but he doesn't seem so inclined to do it often. Maybe we jump in and help too soon.

We go to the Dr. on Tuesday for our six month check up, I can't believe that much time has already passed. I guess that's all I have to say for today. I will try to finish up the ties on Baby Yoda and get some of those pics up soon.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Being a Mother

Being a Mother is the most soul satisfying thing I have ever done. And to think, nearly all women can do it. I have been so happy since the second moment I found out I was pregnant (the first moment was terrifying!). And then Lowan's birth, while also scary (mostly due to his breathing distress) was beautiful and magnificent.

I have days where I miss my non mothering life. Days where I want to lay on the couch and watch tv and nap and live careless. But as soon as Lowan needs me, all those feelings melt away and I am more than happy to care for him. It probably helps that Kyle is an amazing father who takes on many responsibilities, so I am able to have those lazy moments. They just can't last ALL day. Once Lowan needs to eat, I am the only one who will work. But I guess even that isn't true, and it is becoming less true every day. I think when being a mother feels the most stiffiling (what a bad word, but it works) is when we want to both do something, especially at night. We are lucky to have my mom who is really helpful and loves to watch the baby. But Kyle has been having music shows; late, late gigs, that I would kind of like to go to. However, I'm not ready for Lowan to stay at someone elses house, so that means my mom would have to stay here until 12, 1, or 2 in the morning. I don't really even think I could stay up that late. But I'm sad that the option is more limited.

Anyways, more on the positive. It is amazing bringing life to the most adorable, wonderful, sweet little boy. He has so much personality it amazes both Kyle and I. We love to talk about the future things we will get to do with Lowan. Like working in the garden with Kyle, taking bike rides together (both with him in the Chariot and later on his own bike), we talk about when he goes to school, him riding his bike with his dad. These thoughts are so sweet and wonderful. And we love the now moments. The times that are changing so fast and hard to keep hold of. But they are great, we love to see Lowan changing. From the tiny newborn, to the little boy (I know, he's not yet a little boy).

Kyle and I have decided that we will only have one child. And he is very resolute in this decision, but I tell you, I have many, many moments of doubt. I love Lowan so much, with my whole body and so deep inside of me, that I can't imagine doing it all over again. So while Kyle may know for certain... we'll see! Just don't tell him!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Here's what happened at my house tonight:

We've got some good eats 'round these parts!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Cute Boy Backyard Photo Shoot

Here are some pictures of my cutie from this afternoon.

So Close

It is so close to being done. All the ends are woven in. Both sleeves are done and attached. The collar is complete. All that is left is adding the ties. I can't decide what I want to do though. It calls for I-cords. But that seems bulky to me. Kyle wants rope to complete the yoda-ness of it. I was thinking maybe some thin twine or cord of some type.

The weather is starting to cool, so maybe he'll get to wear it soon. I've got to go, Lowan just woke up so it's time to get this morning rolling.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Knitting Faux Pas

I don't know if this is or isn't but I am going to guess that you really aren't supposed to do this...

But I could not help it. I finished the sleeve and I really wanted to see it on the sweater. So some seaming (while watching Star Wars) and the sleeve is on. And so cute. I know I will regret it when I have a hard time getting the length right on sleeve two.

I need to go, my computer is about to die and I need to get dressed for work.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Baby Yoda

Here Lowan is modeling the sleeve of Baby Yoda. I am a bad mother for letting him play with a sleeve with safety pins in it. But he enjoyed it. I am not going to re-knit the sleeve, but I am going to leave a vent of sorts at the bottom of the sleeve. It will match what I am doing on the bottom sides of the sweater.

Next I "tried" the sweater on Lowan. Then he flashed me (the last photo of three). Look at that cute smile in the center, he knows that the camera is aiming at him and he typically won't look away when I get it out.

On Thursday night, Kyle played an opening show for a park performance of Shakespeare in the Park. It was a beautiful night. We couldn't stay for the play because it started at 8pm and Lowan needed to get home to bed. This is not the best picture, but you can see the passion on everyones face, they were all so happy to be playing.

Lowan at the show. This was before the music got started, but he was having a good time none the less. He is seen here with monkey who we stole from Alaska. Still one of his favorite toys!!

Look at my cute men. I like the second picture that looks like Lowan is running across Kyle's lap. They bring me so much happiness!

Now I need to get to work on the second sleeve.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Stinky Sister

That stinker of a sister of mine has bought yarn and cast on for her very own Versatility. Kyle doesn't understand my annoyance. It is simply because I am jealous and want to make my very own versatility. I'm excited for Tara to make it, but it has been just about all I can think about, so I want to be making it.

Instead when I think about it, I start working on Lowan's sweater. I finished the first sleeve last night. And bummer, I think I don't like the sizing and will have to tear it out and re-knit the whole thing. We'll see, I'll try it on him to see how it works. It just seems really narrow at the wrist, and I want the sweater to fit through this winter at least.

And when I thought I was in the clear as far as projects on my plate before Versatility, Kyle reminded me that he would like his beanie finished. UGH! I dropped some stitches and it is in a very complicated pattern and I have been dreading fixing it. But I will get back to it. It only took about 5 months for my yarn order to come in, so it is only necessary for me to delay the project an equal length of time... right??

So I was going to post some pics. Pictures of the sleeve on Lowan and a picture of the progress on Kyle's hat. But the batteries were dead. Then the day grew long and we were gone for much of it. Now I'm home, Lowan's in bed and I don't feel like getting out the hat and want to go to bed. So this will be a photo-less post that just gripes about Tara. See Ya!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

All the ways...

I am in LOVE with this. Knitty came out yesterday and there are some cuties. But this. I love this!! Can't wait to make this. Want to quit knitting everything else and drop out of school to knit this. I am swearing to myself that I will finish Baby Yoda and Cabled Riding Jacket before I begin this. And to boot, Tara wants one too. This is Versatility and can be found here. There are lots of other pictures of the sweater and what you can do with it. Check this hottie out, you won't regret it!

I really think I want to use the exact yarn called for in the same color. Which I never do, but I love this yarn and this color. I have mittens and had a hat (that the dog ate) in this yarn. Good stuff. But I've also been looking into subs. We'll see.